Thursday, December 26, 2019

Speech Against Hate Speech - 1068 Words

One of the most significant valued rights in American society is the right to freedom of speech. Unfortunately, this right is often abused by people who are intent on spreading the message of hate against others. Creating hate speech as a dialog that attacks an individual or a group based on a protected characteristic such as the sexual orientation, religion, disability, color, or ethnicity. Some countries consider hate speech to be a crime because it encourages discrimination and sometimes even violence. Pursuing this further hate speech has been a topic of discussion for those who claim any try to restrict someone’s expression of ideas amounts to the opposition meanwhile is †constitutionally protected by the United States† (Lukianoff).†¦show more content†¦He thinks that is good to have more information about fighting words and the only way to obtain it, is knowing our constitutional laws. The use of offensive will never lead anyone to a right end. The government of United States is cautious with this issue and tries to keep people from taking their fighting words to another type of violence. The second reason is xenophobia or racism that is not more than the fear or hatred of strangers that some people have with others who were not born in their country. This phobia is the most manifested today In United States. It does not consist in illness, but in an aptitude and position on the part of the society discriminating unfairly. Usually, it is encouraged from the houses to children by the family regardless of the damage they can create in others. A good example is when in 1943 in West Virginia, was the teacher criticize a child for his idea of free speech against xenophobia stating† that we all must be equal, we must not see color or ethnicity†( pp. 237). The history of Supreme Court ruled in favor of the student named Mary Beth who now dedicates her life to promote in the concepts of free speech and free press on different campuses. In addition, xenophobia has also been part of racism against whites and blacks people. The best way to avoid the racial intoleranc eShow MoreRelatedFree Speech vs Hate Speech Essay1647 Words   |  7 PagesFree Speech vs. Harmful Hate Speech Freedom of speech is instilled at the beginning of the Bill of Rights and it allows citizens of the United States to express their opinions without being afraid of what might happen to them, much like in other countries. Many times people are directly or indirectly harmed by others’ actions that are considered a right under the freedom of speech clause. 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The Internet allows hate groups to target a broad audience: impressionable children are the most vulnerable. Attempts at censorship fail because of the international nature of the Internet, and to a lesser extent, free speech contentions. Instead, the freedom of speech exercised byRead MoreHate Speech769 Words   |  4 PagesHate Speech, Should it be Regulated? Hate speech, what is it? The definition of hate speech, according to Mari J. Matsuda, author of Assaultive Speech and Academic Freedom, is Â…(a word of group of words) of which is to wound and degrade by asserting the inherent inferiority of a group (151). In my own words hate speech is a humiliation and demeaning slur of words specifically used to disgrace a person for their race, religion, or sexual habits. There is now a controversy if hate speech shouldRead MoreFree Speech And Hate Speech1000 Words   |  4 Pagesbetween hate and free speech is, and what the first amendment does to control them both. The first amendment states that congress shall make no law that abridges the freedom of speech. But to what extent should language be protected? The rights of one man should reach until they shadow over another’s. Meaning free speech is protected until it violates the rights of another. Hate speech is the line where free speech becomes unconstitutional. The contrast bet ween free speech and hate speech is a heavilyRead MorePersuasive Essay On Hate Speech1612 Words   |  7 Pages In the name of free speech, hate speech should not be tolerated. Hate speech has devastating effects on the people and communities it is targeted at. Left unchecked hate speech can lead to harmful and violent effects. Over the past few years, the effects of hate speech used on women, homosexuals, ethnic groups and religious minorities have become more and more apparent. Hate speech can be very divisive in many of the situations it is used, depending on who interprets the expression can vary howRead More Hate Crime Laws Essay1378 Words   |  6 PagesI strongly support hate crime laws. Now, before I dive into this very controversial subject, I should probably define what hate crime laws are so you will have a better understanding of what I am talking about. As I have understood it, hate crime laws are laws that protect certain minorities or groups from bias motivated violence and harassment, and also more harshly punish people that commit these crimes against them. As I started to do my research on hate crime laws I began

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay on The Dark Side of the Internet - 1018 Words

As the internet has evolved, it is now a part of most people’s daily lives and with that, the populate could not function or conduct their daily business or activities without it. Impressive, we can now communicate and even see someone all the way across the country with just a few clicks of a mouse. But as technology changes and progresses seemingly for the good, as always people will find ways to exploit technology and use it with the intent of committing crimes and turning a positive tool into a negative one. As such the negative side of the World Wide Web, cybercrime, has developed as just one of the major disadvantages with the internet. Cyber Crime itself is a broad term and can and does include any crime that is committed via the†¦show more content†¦As exhaustive as that list was and even though many could be committed without computers, all those listed are perpetrated through the use of computers. Although many cyber criminals attempt to hide through the int ernet, if properly reported these criminals can be tracked just as easily as in the real world. As many crimes do, cybercrime has a major impact on the people and companies it affects. The estimated cost of cybercrime to the United States of America’s government is as much as $100 billion each year. The problem arises when companies report that cybercrime is occurring, the companies don’t report how much was stolen and how it was stolen. In a report by the National Computer Security Survey (NCSS) in 2005, two out of three companies reported to the survey that they detected one cybercrime but very few reported it to law enforcement(web). This makes it very difficult for legislators because the legislators do not know how to properly create laws against cybercrime(Strohm 40). Fortunately, individuals report cybercrime more regularly than the companies, but even these still could be underreported. Norton, a well known antivirus company, reports that the global price tag for victims of cybercrime is $113 billion(web). The Internet Crime Complaint CenterShow MoreRelate dRichard L. Weaver s The Dark Side Of The Internet 963 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Discovering Intimacy on Facebook† and Dean Obeidallah’s piece asking, â€Å"Are we sharing too much online?† Finally, we compare and contrast our readings with the week’s lecture on CANVAS from Professor Julia Green, which addresses features of â€Å"The dark side of the internet.† According to authors Child, Pearson, and Nelson, self-disclosure differs online than from self-disclosure in a face-to-face environment as people feel less vulnerable (44). However, the authors caution, â€Å"Be careful in online situationsRead MoreThe Dark Web Is Not Accessible Without Special Browsers1709 Words   |  7 Pages The dark web, a hidden part of the internet, is unknown to most people. It has been used for many years without many people knowing. People use the dark web for many purposes, but it is mostly used for privacy. Due to the anonymity that it gives one, numerous people get involved in illegal situations. Websites range from chat rooms to drug markets. A person can view illegal government documents, buy heroin, or even watch people get murdered! Sounds like a perfect place for every person right? TheRead MoreThe Dark Side Of Science1724 Words   |  7 Pagesthe invention of the wheel and how it changed the world then and now we can now see the internet and how it’s still shaping the world as we know it. But as we know the century old debate on the flip side of science is not a myth and like all good things even internet has its own dark side. The Dark Web is basically just the world wide web that exists on darknets and overlay networks which use the public internet but may require special software and authorizations to access. It forms only a small partRead MoreEffects Of The Hidden Internet On The Digital Age1681 Words   |  7 PagesThe Dark Web: The Effects of the Hidden Internet on the Digital Age In the late 1990’s, the internet became a staple of society, a new â€Å"fad† that became integrated into modern culture. As more and more information was uploaded to this repository, data hubs formed, often around illegal materials such as copies of music and movie files. In 2001, a man named Ian Clarke revolutionized the internet by introducing â€Å"Freenet,† a service that allowed for anonymous access to the darkest reaches of the webRead MoreTechnology And The Dark Web936 Words   |  4 Pagesfield being the Dark Web, which has been defined as an area of the deep web which has, â€Å"been intentionally hidden and is therefore inaccessible through standard [web] browsers.† (Brightplanet.) Although this web has evolved over the course of many years, possibly dating back to the 1990s and the development of onion routing, it has advanced itself into an industry which no one could have ever predicted. Further as well delve deeper into this development al occurrence known as the Dark Web, I feel thatRead MoreHow the Growth of Electronic Monitoring Has Changed Employee Expectations of Privacy in the Workplace1151 Words   |  5 Pagesthe internet for personal pursuits in the workplace has seen phenomenal growth over the last quarter century. Along with this growth, employers and employees alike have used the internet as a tool to increase profit, manage time and facilitate communications. However, such technological advancement has its issues. The problem investigated is how the growth of electronic monitoring has changed employee expectations of privacy in the workplace. Should employees be able to use the internet forRead MoreInternet Is It Good Or Bad?1538 Words   |  7 PagesInternet, Is it Good or Bad? The last twenty-six years have seen the rise of a new phenomenon known as the Internet, which has made its way into the majority of American lives. This phenomenon is a result of the eruption of technological change in the late 20th century. Statistics show that in early 2014, eighty-seven percent of all Americans now use the Internet compared to a low fourteen percent in 1995 (Fox and Rainie). So, there has been a percentage increase of a whopping five hundred twenty-oneRead MoreInternet Is It Good Or Bad?1522 Words   |  7 PagesInternet, Is it Good or Bad? The last twenty-six years have seen the rise of a new phenomenon known as the Internet, which has made its way into the majority of American lives. This phenomenon is a result of the eruption of technological change in the late 20th century. Statistics show that in early 2014, eighty-seven percent of all Americans now use the Internet compared to a low fourteen percent in 1995 (Fox and Rainie). So, there has been a percentage increase of a whopping five hundred twenty-oneRead MoreResearch Paper On Facebook Generation Marketing1657 Words   |  7 Pages it allows internet service providers to be regulated. This law was justly passed through Title II of the Communications Act. With no restrictions on internet neutrality, users take less precaution in what and how they post things onto the internet. Services such as the dark web have increased dramatically within the last five years. The dark web consists of child pornography, whistleblowing websites, bitcoin fraud sites, and hacki ng sharing websites. Increased users in the dark web will eventuallyRead MoreGlobalization And Internet Revolution Has Changed The World1275 Words   |  6 PagesGlobalization and internet revolution has changed the world drastically. The revolution gave birth to social media in the electronic world. The interconnectivity of societies’ members around the world through website such as facebook, twitter, or google circles, etc. using internet source is termed as social Medias’ networks. The media has removed the distances among the people in a certain way (Anderson, Jason, 2012). The people are brought together through cheaper means in the world. Another side of the media

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Investment and Portfolio Management for Benchmark - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theInvestment and Portfolio Management for Index Benchmark. Answer: Index benchmark sets point of reference for portfolio evaluation on stocks.1nvestors are mostly provided with information on stocks that they use to contrast the performance of their individual investment portfolio with the mean overall market performance in the same sector.Different states use specific benchmark index for track performance as illustrated below; In Australia, the fixed income index series is what is used as the benchmark for measuring the performance of the bond while the money market is always benchmarked by Australian Bank Bill Index Jones(2008.Pg 200). Dow Jones U.S. Financials Index is that index benchmark applicable to the United States region for measurability performance of stocks and market at large however it is divided into Dow Jones US Select Investment Index form and that of Dow Jones U.S Lpez(2007.Pg 298). Select Insurance Index depending on the market field. Hong Kong stock market, especially on funds, is seen to be benchmarked by an index known as Hang Seng Index (HIS), this index measures performance is used to track economic performance of stocks in Hong Kong Liu(2009.Pg 60). Vanguard FTSE Japan Index ETF is the point of reference of equities in Japan and it is used to evaluate market performance of large and medium-size stocks in Japan Stock Market. United Kingdom is likewise seen to have its stock benchmarked by an index known as FTSE All-Share Index that serves the measurability performance of among the largest companies in London Stock Exchange. Finally in China MSCI EM Index is what sets the point of reference of stocks in China it is seen to control and measure stock performance in China. Stable fund assets are referred to as defensive assets since they procure stable and less risk income basically on interest payments made. Stable fund assets are featured to be less tolerance for risk and high market volatility Faff(2005.Pg 260). This asset basically suits short-term investors and they include cash and fixed interest based investments that are mostly seen to generate less return. A balanced fund, on the other hand, involves combination mixture of stocks components with the aim of mixture safety stand on investors. The asset class in balanced funds includes bonds especially the treasury bonds that are deemed less volatile. Equities used as investment objective likewise forms part of balanced fund asset class Bauer(2005.Pg 1760). Growth fund is featured to suit development and growth of investment, although they have the aggregate potential of earning high returns they likewise have subsequent high levels of risks over projects being taken for a long time. Securities shares representing ownership in companys forms part of growth asset class Ferreira (2013.Pg 500). Likewise, the class includes infrastructures, listed and unlisted properties the likes of trusts, real estates and private equities investments that are deemed exist able for growth purpose Haiss(2008.Pg 420) Ideally, duration of a security is deemed to be the average maturity life of the security, it is further prudent to note that the interest rate is flexible upon duration such that the sooner the redemption or payment maturity of a security the lower the interest and vice versa. Duration is hence termed as the direct measure of the interest rate elasticity because proportion adjustment of duration numerically the more likely the price rate of the security changes more the same to the interest rate Brewer(2007.Pg 410). Detailed understanding can be approved upon the arithmetic use of formulae as illustrated; DP=-D {dR/1+R) P, where R=Interest Rate, D=Price percentage change, P=Price of a security. From the formulae, we can comfortably state that a known security duration leads to price changes as a result of change in interest rates Breeden(2009.Pg 40) Conclusively it is prudent to state that investors should understand that security duration is measured and determined with the analysis that if interest rates increases, of course, the duration of maturity decreases and hence the yields are lowered as the prices get lower and vice versa. Likewise, there is the need to realize that decline in interest rates goes hand in hand with higher durations securities thus causing the decline in yields as a result of the change in prices upwards. It is therefore transparent that there is huge gain or benefit on investing in the higher duration securities than those of lower maturity duration Van (2005.Pg 121) =0.1/2=0.05, =0.05*1000=$50 +1+0.05=1.05 =$1000+$50=$1050 it is to be mature at year 11*2=22 =To get the cash flow you multiply by present interest factor at =Yr. =year multiply by bond yield multiply by present interest factor at that year =Yr. 14 =14*50*0.505=353.55 = Yr. 15 =15*50*0.481=360.77 =Yr. 16=16*50*0.458=366.49 =Yr. 17 =17*50*0.436=370.86 = Yr. 18 =18*50*0.416=373.97 =Yr. 19=19*50*0.396=375.94 =Yr. 20=20*50*0.377=376.89 =Yr. 21=21*50*0.359=376.89 =Yr. 22=22*1050*0.342=7896.74 =353.55+360.77+366.49+370.86+373.97+375.94+376.89+376.89+7896.74=13821.15 Duration= (13821.15/ 1000/2) = 6.91 While Modified duration = D/ (1 + R/2) Hence=6.91/ (1+0.05) =6.581 MD=6.581 Years For Dollar Duration= MD x P, where MD=Modified Duration and P=the principal amount of the bond =6.581*$1000=$6581 (b) In case the coupon rate increases by 0.10% the price change of the bond is likewise expected to decrease as being illustrated here below, Price Change Estimation= the negative dollar duration multiply by the change of the interest rate. Negative dollar duration=-$6581 Change in interest rate=0.1/100=0.001 = -$6581*0.001= -$6.581 Therefore the new price of the bond is expected to be=$1000-$6.581=$993.42 If the interest rate is reduced by 0.20% Lee(2011.Pg 450) there will be increase in price of the bond as calculated below; Negative dollar duration=-$6581 Change in interest rate=0./100=-0.002 It is negative since its decreasing = -$6581*-0.002=+13.162, Thus the new price should be=$1000+$13.162=$1013.16 (c)The actual prices of the bond at 0.10% increase and 0.20% Interest Rate Change Price Estimated Actual Price Error 0.10% increase $993.42 $ 993.35 0.07 0.20% decrease $1013.16 $1013.36 -0.2 The errors mostly result from the non-consideration of convexity at the time of measuring and determining duration elasticity Harmantzis(2007.Pg 120). Paid Dividend =20cents per share, the par value=20cent Rate=0.16, therefore we can formulate Share Price=Dividend Paid dividend by the difference between the rate and the growth thus; Price=20*(1+0.08) ^1(16%-8%) =21.6/0.08=270cents in year 1 Therefore the par value of the share at year one is 270cents The growth of dividend will be8% Value of Share 5yrs=270 cents (1+0.08) raised to power 6 divide by the change of rate from 16% to 8% Value in Five years=20*(1.08) ^6=31.74cents =31.74cents/ (16%-8%) =/8% =396.72cents By assuming that the dividend is expected to grow at 20% At par the dividend was 20cents now it is to grow by 20%, therefore, the dividend will rise to this should be done yearly = yr. 1=20cents (1+0.2) ^1/ (1+0.16) ^1=20.689, =yr. 2=20cents (1+0.2) ^2/ (1+0.16) ^2=21.4, =yr. 3=20cents (1+0.2) ^3/ (1+0.16) ^3=22.1, =20.689+21.4+22.1=64.17 We further need to add the present value of the dividend=467/1.16^3=299.35 to the sum of the 3year dividend change value; =299.35+64.17=363.5 cents. Therefore the selling price or issue price today of the share stands at 363.5cents. We can therefore generally conclude by stating that equity stocks are always subjected to the time value of money for purpose s of measurability Zhang (2009.Pg 5100). Portfolio analysis generally majors on diversifying risks through setting up investments strategies after conducting performance evaluation on the existing market portfolio. It involves mitigation of risks under the umbrella of maximizing returns. Most investments are prone to risks and hence greater strategies and plan has to be built on strong portfolio management evaluation so as to curb risks and its volatility. It is therefore important to ensure that before proceeding to partake any investment the need to analyze return, duration, risks and entire field of performance. References Bauer, R., Koedijk, K., Otten, R. (2005). International evidence on ethical mutual fund performance and investment style. Journal of Banking Finance, 29(7), 1751-1767. Breeden, D. T. (2009, December). The Use and Misuse of Models in Investment Management. In CFA Institute Conference Proceedings Quarterly (Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 36-45). CFA Institute. Brewer, E., Carson, J. M., Elyasiani, E., Mansur, I., Scott, W. L. (2007). Interest rate risk and equity values of life insurance companies: A GARCHM model. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 74(2), 401-423. Faff, R., Gallagher, D. R., Wu, E. (2005). Tactical asset allocation: Australian evidence. Australian Journal of Management, 30(2), 261-282. Ferreira, M. A., Keswani, A., Miguel, A. F., Ramos, S. B. (2013). The determinants of mutual fund performance: A cross-country study. Review of Finance, 17(2), 483- 525. Haiss, P., Smegi, K. (2008). The relationship between insurance and economic growth in Europe: a theoretical and empirical analysis. Empirica, 35(4), 405-431. Harmantzis, F. C., Tanguturi, V. P. (2007). Investment decisions in the wireless industry applying real options. Telecommunications Policy, 31(2), 107-123. Jones, S., Van der Laan, S., Frost, G., Loftus, J. (2008). The investment performance of socially responsible investment funds in Australia. Journal of Business Ethics, 80(2), 181-203. Lee, H. W., Xie, Y. A., Yau, J. (2011). The impact of sovereign risk on bond duration: Evidence from Asian sovereign bond markets. International Review of Economics Finance, 20(3), 441-451. Liu, W., Morley, B. (2009). Volatility forecasting in the hang seng index using the GARCH approach. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, 16(1), 51-63. Lpez, M. V., Garcia, A., Rodriguez, L. (2007). Sustainable development and corporate performance: A study based on the Dow Jones sustainability index. Journal of Business Ethics, 75(3), 285-300. Luckert, M. K., Campbell, B. M. (Eds.). (2012). Uncovering the hidden harvest: valuation methods for woodland and forest resources. Routledge. Van Vuuren, G. W. (2005). Duration as a strategic interest rate risk management tool infinancial institutions (Doctoral dissertation, North-West University). Zhang, B. Y., Zhou, H., Zhu, H. (2009). Explaining credit default swap spreads with the equity volatility and jump risks of individual firms. The Review of Financial Studies, 22(12), 5099-5131.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Riordan Manufacturing an Example of the Topic Business Essays by

Riordan Manufacturing Riordan Manufacturing is a leading manufacturer in plastic injection molding, using innovative plastic designs in manufacturing plastic bottles, fans, heart valves, medical stents, and custom plastic parts that elaborate attention to detail, extreme precision and enthusiastic quality control (Riordan Manufacturing, 2006). It has its facilities scattered around states inside and outside the U.S., such as San Jose in California, Albany, Georgia, Pontiac, Michigan, and Hangzhou in China (Riordan Manufacturing, 2006). It employs about 550 people inside and outside the U.S., has annual earnings of a total of $46 million, and has revenues that reach more than $1 billion (Riordan Manufacturing, 2006). For this, Riordan Manufacturing is among the Fortune 1000 companies, with their focuses centered on the Six Sigma, the R&D, and the ISO 9000 standards. Need essay sample on "Riordan Manufacturing" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed As of now, Riordan Manufacturing faces socio-economic challenges brought by trends and changes in the environment. The housing market nowadays affects the companys customers, especially the appliance manufacturers. Other customers are directly affected by changes in the demand for their particular products. Others, on the other hand, are affected by health care services and the availability of health insurances. As for customers like the Department of Defense, this type of customers is directly affected by changes in funding and appropriations. To be stronger in terms of socio-economic challenges, Riordan Manufacturing should design specific changes that would improve the inventory and manufacturing processes through computer system utilization. Improving inventory and manufacturing processes leads to less costs and more profits by lessening marketing inconsistencies, which computer system utilization could significantly deter. The computer system utilization project aims to multiply profits in the future by improving systems performance through a new benchmark called Effective System Performance test or ESP test. This test is designed to measure system-level performance, including such factors as job scheduling efficiency, handling of large jobs and shutdown-reboot times (Wong, Oliker, Kramer, Kaltz, & Bailey, 2000, p.1). It can also be used in studying effects of scheduling policies and parameters (Wong et al., 2000, p.1). The key is to target system management effectiveness through the utilization of sustained computational performance in the system-level, as it measures system utilization that common metrics like LINPACK and NAS Parallel Benchmarks are unable to provide. The computer system of Riordan Manufacturing needs to be improved because, despite the fact that the real gross domestic product growth has been showing some weaknesses since 2005 (Riordan Manufacturing, 2005, p.3), this type of specific systems in the company directly influences the inventory and manufacturing processes in the future. Because the companys most typical customers are those that are in the area of automotive parts manufacturers, aircraft manufacturers, the Department of Defense, beverage makers and bottlers, and appliance manufacturers (Riordan Manufacturing, 2006), there is a need to be very consistent with the inventory and manufacturing processes, since major trends and events could directly influence these customers. The computer system would be able to aid the company in evaluating its high performance systems in order to monitor the effects of the changes in configuration and software upgrades. This would be very useful because it centers on a day-to-day center o peration through the use of a computer system utilization project in a benchmark that would measure the companys system level performance. To be able to come up with effective computer system utilization project that is centered on constant implementation of a benchmark called the ESP, there are important business requirements that the company should acquire, which would generally include the following: first is a large computer center like NERSC, which would do the workload; second are two full configuration jobs, with partition sizes equal to total number of processors; third is system administration that would take care of parallel applications and utilizations; fourth and final is the financial resources for the procurement of these entries. There should be meetings and assemblies in determining the exact amount of currency that should be invested. Business constraints in connection to this project would include one or more of the following: first is the number and the ability of the employees to implement such a project; second is the availability to acquire such computer system; third are the annual earnings and revenues of the company that should not decrease to more than 10% in annual rate; fourth is the socio-economic environment of the countries; fifth are the changing trends (e.g., health, defense) that may directly or indirectly influence the implementation of the project; finally, the leadership capabilities mostly defined by groups inside the company. It is for the best assumption that this business proposal would turn out to be successful, especially if the constraints are being balanced or averted. However, because the economy has generally been on the slide these past years, it is evident that the chances for the success of this project would have to rely on the companys internal environment. The external environment poses threats in relation to the socio-economy, the trend, and the other major events. The way to counteract it would be to push the internal environment forward forceful enough to reach the fulfillment of the objective even with the presence of potent challenges, especially outside the company. Creating a business requirements definition for system upgrades or improvement needs the processing of critical analysis on those that can be mentioned under the internal and external environments. However, to be able to come up with better numbers in the turnover, a computer system utilization project has to be planned and administered well, since such a project would boost the company by improving its inventory and manufacturing processes. References Riordan Manufacturing. (2005, June 16). Economic forecast for Riordan Manufacturing. Retrieved June 21, 2008 Riordan Manufacturing. (2006). Retrieved June 21, 2008 Wong, A.T., Oliker, L., Kramer, W.T., Kaltz, T.L., & Bailey, D.H. (2000). ESP: a system utilization benchmark. Retrieved June 21, 2008

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


THE BEGINNING essays Prenatal development is the period in development from conception to the onset of labor. Perinatal period is the period beginning about the seventh month of pregnancy and continuing until about four weeks after birth. Postnatal development is the period in development the follows directly after birth. The germinal stage is the stage lasting about ten -fourteen days following conception before the fertilized egg becomes implanted in the uterine wall. The embryonic stage is the stage in which major biological organs and systems form. The fetal stage is the stage in which is marked by rapid growth and preparation of body systems for functioning in the postnatal environment. Viability is the ability of the baby to survive outside the mothers womb. The gestational age is the age of the fetus derived from onset of mothers last menstrual period. The number of older mothers is on the rise in the U.S. as women postpone pregnancy to establish careers or for other reasons. Healthy women older than thirty-five routinely deliver healthy infants just as other between the ages of twenty and thirty-five do. Teenagers, however, may be at a greater risk for delivering less healthy babies. Lack of prenatal care is a big reason. Diets, while pregnant, must be sufficient not only in number of calories but also with respect to the right amount of proteins, vitamins, and other nutrients. Stress also plays a big role in delivering a Cultural beliefs about potentially harmful consequences of frightening or stressful events on fetal development are pervasive, and many societies encourage a calm atmosphere for pregnant women. The social support a pregnant woman receives from family and friends is an important factor that can lessen the consequences of stress Another reason is the complicated nutritional needs of teenagers. Teenage mothers give birth to as many as 500,000 babies in ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Build Your Resume With Expert Louise Fletcher

How to Build Your Resume With Expert Louise Fletcher Writing a resume has changed substantially over the years, and no one knows this better than resume expert Louise Fletcher of Blue Sky Resumes. She spoke with us about how resumes have changed and how job boards can help job hunters do a better job. What are some common misconceptions around resumes you see online?Oh, so many! I’ll just choose a few, or we’d be here all day.There are some myths that persist despite there being no evidence for them. One is that all resumes should be one page long. This is rubbish – in fact, if you have more than three to five years of experience, it’s usually not possible to tell your story on just one page. Most of the resumes we write are two pages long – occasionally for a very senior person, we will stretch to three.Another misconception is that using very formal language with lots of big words makes you sound professional and serious. We find that the most successful resumes are simple and direct.Finally, I†™d say that lots of people think they have to hide their personality when they write a resume, and stick to just the facts, but I think the best resumes give the reader a real sense of the candidate’s personality and character.What’s the first step for a new job seeker who hasn’t written a resume in a while? What should they focus on?Two things:Focus on what the employer needs. If you don’t have a specific job in mind, you’ll still be able to find out what’s important to employers in your target profession or industry. Look at job postings and talk to people and build a list of valued traits, skills and experiences.Look at your own background and find the strongest match between your traits, skills and experiences, and those sought by hiring managers. Choose no more than two or three key selling points based on what you’ve learned and focus your resume on these. For example, a marketing manager might choose to focus on his ability t o deliver results on a tight budget, his creativity on social media, and his strong Google analytics skills. He can now shape his whole resume around these three messages, writing a powerful headline and introduction, and telling compelling stories of success related to these three skills.How can job board managers encourage their applicants to submit better resumes?I think most job boards do an appalling job of helping candidates. Some have no information at all on resume writing, and some have a few generic articles. I think all job boards should have free courses or eBooks similar to the one I created for Blue Sky Resumes. A resource that walks people through the basics of creating a strong resume would make all the difference in terms of quality. Most people want to create a good resume – they just don’t know what’s expected.Increasingly, job applicants can have their resumes scanned and used to fill in blanks on an application. What are the dos and don†™ts of formatting your resume to make this easier?Some employers still use old scanning systems to store resumes, but most have now moved to automated applicant tracking systems, where the candidate completes an online form and then uploads his or her resume. With these automated systems, formatting of the actual document doesn’t matter except for the key point that you must submit in the file format they request. If you don’t, their system may not read your resume correctly. The other key tip is to include as many important keywords as possible because recruiters will search the system using these keywords.What are some resume mistakes that will get it put straight in the round file?People often answer this question by saying typos or grammatical errors, but I don’t think that’s actually true. If a resume arrives on your desk and the candidate is perfect, you’re not going to toss them out just because of a typo. Not that people shouldn’t be careful, of course!No, I think the reason most resumes get tossed out is that they don’t speak to the needs of the employer. It’s not enough to just tell your career history in chronological order. You have to market yourself and your skills by showing how you’ll add value.What trends in resumes and applying for jobs should we be keeping an eye on?I think a lot of people are trying to find alternatives to the resume – things like video resumes and online portfolios – but none of them have take off because they fail to take HR departments and recruiters into consideration. A recruiter just doesn’t have time to watch 100 video resumes – he or she wants to skim quickly to get the information they need. However, I think it’s becoming more common for companies – especially forward-thinking tech and new media companies – to look for ways around the resume. One alternative is using LinkedIn and asking people to apply directly through the site using their profiles rather than a resume. Another is to set up tests that have to be completed online and to judge applicants by their performance. Both are relatively new but something to keep an eye on.It’s also amazing how fast social media has become a vital hiring tool. Surveys show that huge numbers of recruiters are Googling candidates’ names before calling them in for interviews, which makes it very important to have a strong, professional online presence that supports what you’ve said in your resume.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Community-Oriented Policing (COP) and Problem-Oriented Policing (POP) Assignment

Community-Oriented Policing (COP) and Problem-Oriented Policing (POP) - Assignment Example The term stands for Scanning, Analysis, Response and Assessment. 2. The most essential component necessary for implementing a COP program would be the need for more community interaction between police officers and local citizens (Hunter & Barker 2011). In addition, there must also be the desire by the community to help with strategic planning in a proactive atmosphere, recruit volunteers to help police as eyes and ears to the community, and the patrol range must be manageable by the police in order to make rounds at least a good number of times for a more effective police presence (Craven 2009). 3. In the case of the POP programs, there has to be a very evident problem which requires strategic thinking and planning for the accomplishment of goals. This usually means there must be a goal for eliminating a specific crime in a certain part of the community. Car theft which might be on the rise, means that police patrols may need to set up stings for catching thieves and to also change their usual schedules by showing up at different times than when normally expected (SARA 2013). 4. The most desirable outcomes for implementing either a COPS or POP program is to accomplish goals which make the community a better place to live and work in (Hunter & Parker 2011). Whenever a community feels threatened by criminal activity, then the citizens live in fear and this means that people will sometimes clam up to the police, creating a rift between the two groups (Depsey & Forst 2013). It is essential for the police to get the citizens on the side of the police officers and to promote working together on patrols and in community programs (Craven 2009; Hunter & Parker 2011). 5. Some of the greatest challenges for implementing a COPS or POP program is that police department funds may have been cut, thus reducing hours allowed on the street for neighborhood patrols. Additionally, cuts in technology funding might mean that officers may lose the means for interacting